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What People Say About Peter:

"I love that you not only know from experience but also have the highest education, brilliant mind, and lifetime of practice and wisdom to convey in the best way possible. I know It All can’t be explained in human words or concepts, but you do an extraordinary job of it. Thank you so much!"

Molly M.  

"My session with Peter was transformative. His ability to connect with the divine and articulate the profound truths of existence is nothing short of extraordinary."

Michael R. - Denver, CO, USA.

"One session with Peter Panagore will change your life."
– Lynne S.
"I am amazed how you have brought to life the expressions of poets, sages, teachers, and prophets from the ages to the present day and clarified what they were trying to tell us and why."  – @markdannebaum7979

"Dearest Peter, I just watched you being interviewed on another channel ... You're a divine gift for mankind."

– @MarianHannah 


Private Sessions:


Many people experience intense spiritual awakenings, such as near-death, kundalini, mystical, out-of-body, spiritually, psychologically, relationally, and emotionally radically transformative experiences that leave them troubled and feeling alienated yet energized. In my sessions, clients tell their stories. At the same time, I listen and understand with my wise head, notetaking with my pencil all through the polished lens of my near-death transformed heart, other vast mystical experiences, and education, using active listening honed over decades of my professional spiritual counseling practice all while channeling Healing Light through shaktipat to, with, and for you. My clients gain integration, new self-understanding, practical tools, a wash of Light Energy, and inner direction as they continue their Homeward path. 

PEACE and WELCOME!                                                                                              

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Dear Friends and Visitors,

Peace and blessings to you. Thank you for visiting. This site is a sanctuary for spiritual seekers and media professionals alike. After a diverse career in public roles, my life took a transformative turn due to two near-death experiences (NDEs). This journey inspired me to dedicate myself to spreading Hope, Peace, Love, Knowledge, Understanding, and Joy through several key initiatives:

Remember, the Guru is within. Look inward. Experience prana, shakti, chi, and divine energy—you have the power within yourself, and I’m here to guide and support your journey.

Our community is made up of NDErs (Near-Death Experiencers) and STErs (Spiritually Transformative Experiencers)—individuals who seek solace and understanding among those who have also undergone profound mystical experiences. Too often, sharing these journeys publicly results in skepticism or misunderstanding. We offer a safe space to explore, connect, and grow.

My mission is to help you discover what you seek and empower you to walk your path independently. By fostering open dialogue, meditation, and education, I aim to normalize conversations about Near-Death Experiences and other mystical encounters.

If you’re seeking one-on-one spiritual guidance, I am available for private sessions by appointment. I work with clients worldwide to help integrate and understand Near-Death, Spiritually Transformative, Mystical, and Out-of-Body experiences, as well as afterlife communication, grief, loss, and matters of death and dying. If you’ve encountered spiritual events that you struggle to share or process, I am here to help.

With over forty years of study, I offer fresh insights into global mystical literature, revealing the Universal Love that unites us all. Mysticism is One; we are One.

I’ve journeyed from being a mystic in the guise of a liberal church preacher to a TV storyteller. My intention isn’t to convince but to inspire you to open your heart and look within, as taught by Jesus, Yogananda, Lao Tzu, Rumi, Meister Eckhart, and Patanjali. They spoke of The Way, Oneness, The Light, and The Beloved. It is an experience waiting to be felt, and I hope to help you uncover it within yourself—connecting to your Inner Energy and attaining Inner Peace.

I am, like everyone, both flawed and Divine.

YouTube Channel Feed
Watch Panagore Sundays Live on Sunday Mornings at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time.
Streaming live on my YouTube Channel and later on right here.

Peter Panagore

Peter Panagore

Peter Panagore
Listening for the Presence: The Transformative Power of Prayer in Kierkegaard’s Vision

Listening for the Presence: The Transformative Power of Prayer in Kierkegaard’s Vision

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Yeshua, Peter, and Near-Death Experiences: The Aramaic Meaning of Divine Love

Yeshua, Peter, and Near-Death Experiences: The Aramaic Meaning of Divine Love

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Somatic Mindfulness Meditation: Embodying Presence Part 2

Somatic Mindfulness Meditation: Embodying Presence Part 2

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Feeling Without Thinking: A Somatic Mindfulness Path to Presence

Feeling Without Thinking: A Somatic Mindfulness Path to Presence

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Movie Update Nov. 2024

🎥 We are in "active movie development." In an unprecedented decision, the President of Red Wheel Weiser (my publisher) has typeset, is printing, and will ship 50 SPECIAL EDITION copies of "Heaven Is Beautiful" at their own expense to my producers! This private and not-for-publication special edition is for our use only to hand to scriptwriters, actors, and directors. It includes the seven chapters I wrote for the movie, which we expect will be included in my next book.📘

✈️I'm flying to LA in December for producer meetings and will speak at IANDS Santa Barbara on December 11, 2024.


Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics

P. Panagore. My Deaths Direct My Life: Living with Near-Death ExperienceNarrative Inquiry in Bioethics Journal. Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2020. Johns Hopkins University Press.  pp. E3-E6

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Two Minutes for God 2
Heaven is Beautiful 2

We are Love, from Love, and to Love, we will return.~ Peter Panagore

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